They're such big sillies. If JWs were really going to totally and completely abstain from blood, they would also avoid eating, preparing or killing for meat. They would be absolute vegetarians, as meat products all contain blood, even when drained. You can see it in your Christmas turkey while it's cooking, and in your chicken, and in your beef. In fact, part of what gives meats their flavor is blood, as well as a bit of urine and a lot of fat.
Madame Quixote
JoinedPosts by Madame Quixote
The only way the BIG NEWS can make any difference
by Gill inthe only way the 'big news' can work, in that it causes the r and f to stop and think and the wtbts to begin to crumble, is that it is tested in court....but not only with the jws medical mis representation but through their 'biblical doctrine' misrepresentation and then, only by using their own bible, the nwt.
jws do not refuse blood because of the blood booklet but because of the apparant prohibition of blood in the bible.
there are many esteemed biblical scholars who would be able to beat the crap out of the wtbts doctrinal view on blood.
by ffoeg inthe place is in the wilderness, the thing acting as a restraint is the face of the serpent.. .
how does someone gain access to the actual temple of the god and further yet, how is he able to lift himself up above everyone who is called god?.
god's spirit-directed organisation ---- (the man) ----------------- a god?.
Madame Quixote
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blha blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
WTS Letter to Congregations re. HLC
by doinmypart in.
the christian congregation of jw sent a letter to all congregations regarding hospital liaison committees.
this letter will be read the week of january 30, 2006. i can email a pdf of the letter to someone willing to post it here.
Madame Quixote
Why is this letter of importance? How is it significant? It takes a long time to download stuff like that on my old 'puter and I don't want to be bothered if it's something meaningless. Why should I open it?
BIG NEWS POLL - how/when Did you read How Can Blood Save Your Life?
by skeeter1 inplease describe under what circumstance did you first read "how can blood save your life?
" (i am really meaning only the most current blood booklet..the one that was published in 1990).
it's the one that goes through all the medical facts of illness and alternative medicine near the beginning and includes discussion of aids, etc.
Madame Quixote
My first exposure to jw publications on the blood issue was not the most recent booklet, as I left the organization at the age of 15 in 1980 (or '81?). I remember a "tract" on blood, published by the borg in the 70's and 80's. I can't help but wonder why you're doing this research/poll. It couldn't possibly be entirely representative of all Witnesses. If you'd like more info on that, you should ask people who are still in the organization. I think there are a few here, but it appears to me that most of the people posting here are former Witenesses or Witnesses looking for a way out of the cult.
by Severus inthank you for all of your contributions to the email "clearinghouse".
publishers clearing house indeed.
i have already received over 250 email addresses and hope for many more.
Madame Quixote
Could you please recommend a good email "yellow pages" for address hunting that is very low cost or free? Thanks. I know a lot of people to email this to, but don't want to ask them for their email addresses. I could send stuff snail mail and look them up in the regular phone book, too, but that's more expensive and time-consuming.
Journal of Church and State: WT NO-BLOOD EXPOSE'
by AndersonsInfo in(baylor university, waco, tx) an essay entitled, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions, and the tort of misrepresentation," found in the autumn issue of baylor universitys prestigious journal of church and state, published december 13, 2005, exposes the vulnerability of jehovahs witnesses religious organization to massive claims for compensation because of the religions misrepresentation of the medical risks of blood transfusions.
this milestone essay critically examines one of the religions main publications for teaching their children and new recruits about their blood beliefs, how can blood save your life?
the peer-reviewed essay details many misrepresentations of medical facts, which the religion partly relies on to support its blood prohibition, thus denying its members from making fully informed medical decisions.
Madame Quixote
No matter what actions any of us take, the Wraithtower Society shall permanantly suffer, at the very least, a verry black eye and a permanantly bloody nose: And if we use the information to its greatest effect, they will, in time, lack all credibility in the entire Western World, except among the already brainwashed, among the obsessive and among the nutters. It will only take a minimal amount of research and time for a person of average intelligence to discover it for self. Those still connected to the Borg matrix may need help and life support in the beginning, but we will be here for them.
Read "How Can Blood Save Your Life?"
by AndersonsInfo inread the watchtower society's blood brochure here:.
make a copy before wt removes it from their site.. barbara
Madame Quixote
-"The Society"
Hey there, stillanexjwelder. Is what you posted there the last few pages of the booklet? I noticed when I was reading the society's version last night, that some of the pages from the booklet contained different copyright years; one of the last ones that I noticed was Y2004. I wonder if that is significant in any way. Anyway, is what you posted the last few pages of the booklet? Thanks!
Read "How Can Blood Save Your Life?"
by AndersonsInfo inread the watchtower society's blood brochure here:.
make a copy before wt removes it from their site.. barbara
Madame Quixote
I was only able to save the first 3 pages. I've run out of memory on my computer. Could someone please give me the last 3 (or 4?) pages at my inbox here, if at all possible.
I work for a local pediatrician and plan to take action on this issue locally, big time. Thanks a bunch, if you can help!
by AndersonsInfo inif i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Madame Quixote
Thanks for posting this response, Gregor. I am copying it and re-posting it. It needs to be sent out in billbord form, 6.5 million times over: Several have mentioned their concern and empathy for aged JW family members who might be badly hurt if, indeed, the WTB&TS is truly discredited. I would just like to remind everyone that JW's bread and butter mission has always been to destroy the faith of others. This has been done by, among other things, walking up to their doors on Sunday morning and trying to engage them in dialogue that has the ultimate goal of undermining, in many cases, their deepest religous/spiritual beliefs. BOTTOM LINE: If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
BIG NEWS Email Clearing House
by Severus inconsider me a player.
i am interested in supporting the "big news" news blitz by coordinating a clearing house of jw email addresses.
most of us have a handful of jw email contacts, others may have whole address books filled of them.
Madame Quixote
Rebel8 - I really like your lightning bolt at the watchtower logo. If that doesn't scare people, why would an anarchy symbol be any scarier, lol? Severus - I have created a new email address specifically for the purpose of making the contacts, brainstorming, dealing exclusively with this "big news" and spreading it around. If anyone has any email addresses that I can help contact re: ththe "big news," please let me know how to help. I have some experience as a public information officer, although it was quite some time ago (college, SGA). I haven't sent out a press release in quite a while, but I will be glad to do so when the time comes. Please let me know at the inbox I have on this board and I will help in any way that I can. I so look forward to whatever this news will be.